mitigia cookies

Cookie policy 

Effective as of 25 May 2024

At mitigia, we are committed to protecting your privacy and providing a transparent website experience.
This Cookie Policy explains how we use cookies on our website.


This cookie policy applies to every visitor browsing the website of Emprovia Zrt. (2800 Tatabánya, Fő tér 10., company registration number: 11-10-001772, tax number: 27964671-2-11), regardless of whether they are using a desktop computer, a mobile phone or any other device. 

The present Cookie Policy must be read in conjunction with the Data Management Information.


Cookies in general

Cookies are small text files stored on your device when you visit a website. They help websites remember your preferences and improve your browsing experience.

We may use the following cookies on the Website:

·         necessary cookies: their use is essential for navigating the Website and for the functionality of the Website. Without these, the Website, or parts of it, may not appear or may appear incorrectly. We store necessary cookies based on Directive 2002/58/EC;

·         functional cookies: the purpose of these cookies is to improve your user experience e.g. by remembering the device you used for browsing, the language settings, the custom settings;

·         statistics cookies: statistic cookies are collected anonymously, they help us understand how you interact with the Website.


Cookies on the Website

Currently, our website's primary functions are to introduce our company and services, and share pieces of information related to the Voluntary Carbon Market.
We use cookies for the following purposes:
  • Remembering your preferences (e.g., language settings)
  • Collecting contact details for our mailing list and book-a-call feature
  • Ensuring our website functions properly

The first time you browses the Website, you will see a consent notification at the top of the website. The notification contains clickable acceptance and rejection buttons, and you can also set your own preferences. The Website will not use any but the necessary cookies if you does not give consent by clicking on the consent button.

Managing cookies

You can control cookies on our website through your browser settings. You can also delete cookies from your device at any time. Disabling or deleting cookies may affect your website experience.


Changes to this policy

We may update this policy occasionally. Any changes will be posted on this page.


Contact us

If you have questions or concerns about our cookie policy, please contact us at
Note: Currently, we are not using any analytics tool other than our website host Hubspot's and we do not use cookies for advertising purposes.