mitigia | carbon credit generation, registry & trading for investors in electromobility

Your one-stop-shop for carbon credit generation & trading
Convenient, 360° carbon credit generation service.
Your investment. Our know how. Start generating carbon credits today.

Your one-stop-shop for carbon credit generation & trading.

Your investment. Our know-how. Start generating carbon credits today.

Convenient, 360°carbon credit generation service.

fleet electrification know-how
charge point operators know-how

Explore our solutions

360° service for carbon credit generation, registry, and trading with mitigia’s third-party verified Digital MRV.


They are already benefiting from carbon credits generated by their green investments


Explore our solutions

360° service for carbon credit generation, registry, and trading with mitigia’s third-party verified Digital MRV.

fleet electrification know-how
charge point operators know-how
renewable energy production know-howe outlines
energy storage know-how

Our Clients


In Europe 17% of the CO2 emissions are coming from road transport.

mitigia Our why | Problem
Currently electromobility is the only commercially widely available solution to mitigate the emissions originated from road transport.
Our know-hows enable e-mobility investors to generate and sell carbon credits, based on the emission reduction of their green projects, such as fleet electrification, charging point operation or renewable energy plant operation.
This revenue stream then can improve these investments' ROI.

Electromobility: the only scalable net zero powertrain in road transport*

Electromobility ticks all the boxes when compared to other Net Zero powertrains such as eFuel, BioFuel and Hydrogen, based on  Technology Readiness Level (TRL), disruptivity and recommended use cases.
(However most of these solutions are available to maritime transport and aviation, those are out of mitigia's scope at the moment.)

* Source: European Commission     ** Source: Deloitte

comparison of net zero powertrains: eFuel, BioFuel, Hydrogen and Electromobility

Four main obstacles hinder the spreading of electromobility:

the renewable energy production challenge,
the energy storage challenge,
the charging challenge
and last, the EV challenge.

We target all of them with methodologies that built upon each-other.

kukacos auto-1
green charging station white icon
solar power-1
energy storage fehér ikon (1)

Our methods complement each other

...and cover the whole of the electromobility ecosystem from fleet electrification to energy storage projects.

The four mitigia methods complement each other


What is a carbon credit?

mitigia | what is a carbon credit?

When you replace a CO2 intense technology to a more climate friendly or even a net zero one, you "spare" CO2 emissions. Thus, you, as an economic entity, realise a so called carbon gain. By comparing the two technologies, the volume of this carbon gain can be precisely measured, verified and reported, and exchanged into Verified Emission Reduction (VER) or Voluntary Carbon Unit (VCU).  


What appears as a „spared" or "negative emission” on the green investors side is sought after by net emitters whose emission volumes exceed the regulatory limits (and cannot avoid or reduce by themselves). These emitters either pay a penalty fee or buy carbon credits in exchange for their emissions. By choosing the second option they turn their ESG obligations into an opportunity to invest in green investments.


mitigia helps electromobility investors originate and register carbon credits based on their green investments, and sell such carbon credits to large emitters.

Our know-how is compliant with the requirements of the VCM, thus the carbon credits originated through mitigia’s methodology qualify as high integrity carbon credits.

These credits represent a higher quality for the buyers, who are willing to pay a higher price for the reliability and transparency of the underlying projects the credits were originated from.


How to sell carbon credits at the Voluntary Carbon Market?

The VCM is a marketplace where carbon credits generated from green investment projects can be sold to CO2 emitters to offset their emissions. Green investment projects involve eg. forest conservation efforts, energy efficiency improvements, as well as technology swaps, such as switching from fossil fuel consuming ICE vehicles to fully electric BEVs.

When a legal entity purchases carbon credits to offset their emissions, they are also contributing to the fight against climate change, by (post)financing these green projects. On the other hand, the investors can channel the revenues originating from the sale of carbon credits into further green projects.

In this understanding, the Voluntary Carbon Market encourages the spread of low-carbon innovations, by offering a transparent, reliable offsetting solution for emitters at the same time. 

ver circulation

The 5 legal facts behind carbon credit services

vcu for sale


of how much GHG emissions (tCO2e) have been avoided, reduced or removed from the atmosphere as result of the green investment made by the green investor issuing the carbon credits

ccp compliance

Data providing

green investor’s declaration to provide the credit buyer with all relevant info and full documentation on the green Investment needed to use the results for offsetting purposes in the future



the right to carbon credit generation associated with the green investment has not yet transferred to any third parties prior to the deal and won’t be transferred in the future to avoid doble counting

Our solutions are all aimed at transforming the electromobility ecosystem, by offering post-financing solutions for green investment projects at each and every stage of it. Whether you are an electric vehicle fleet owner, a charging point operator or have a green energy plant, we have a carbon credit generation solution for you.

mitigia know-hows are developed in alignment with the Core Carbon Principles of the Voluntary Carbon Market, and verified by third-party sustainability project auditor Green Cross Association.
This enables us to provide a Digital MRV that generates high integrity carbon credits.

The expression "high integrity carbon credit" means that the projects behind the generation embody real, measurable, transparent CO2 avoidance or reduction, and in many cases have other positive co-benefits for the social, environmental and economic environment they take place in. We are only standing behind such projects.

The carbon credits generated through our methodologies can serve as a reliable source for those large industrial emitters for whom net zero technologies are not (yet) available, and seeking an offsetting solution. By purchasing carbon credits they are not only fulfilling their regulatory obligations, but indirectly invest in real emission-reduction projects. 



green Investor gives its irrevocable consent to the credit buyer for an indefinite period to articulate green legal claims in connection with the underling green Investment for offsetting purposes

handshake (1)

Deal sealed

the parties sealed the deal meaning the credit buyer paid the full price for the carbon credits while the green investor delivered the carbon credit services in exchange to that


Our Partners