Issue carbon credits based on

your green energy investments

Our protected know-how that enables the VCM compliant carbon credit generation based on green energy production investments has been verified by the Green Cross Hungary.

Learn more about how you can benefit from it.


By green energy production

If we want to make more people switch to net-zero EVs, we need to address the infrastructural obstacles that hinder the spread of electromobility. One of the main concerns is the acessibility of charge points, and for that we already introduced our solution.

In the focus of our latest know-how is the carbon footprint of the energy that is used to charge vehicles. To minimize the climate impact of the electric transportation, charge points that operate on renewable energy sources should be encouraged.

mitigia’s third know-how enables green energy production investors to (post)finance their investments by generating carbon credits after each unit of electricity produced.

Are you interested in the volume of the income achiveable by our methodology? We have some sample use cases for you.

PV electricity production line (1)


The generation process

steps of carbon credit generation square

Carbon credit generation happens automatically via our Digital MRV software. The stages of the generation process are as follows:

  • Determining the carbon footprint of the avoided condition. Capturing the "dirty power" operation of the electricity grid: calculating carbon emission data and thus estimating the avoided carbon footprint as accurately as possible.

  • Determining the carbon footprint of the target state. Accurate determination of the new carbon footprint, after the green energy has been loaded into the grid.

  • Calculating the carbon gain. Determining the carbon emission reduction between the target and avoided state.

  • Credit conversion. Generation of Voluntary Carbon Units (VCUs) based on carbon gains.


For generating carbon credits with energy production investments


Our third know-how about carbon credit generation via green energy production investments was verified by independent sustainability project auditor, Green Cross Hungary

This verification proves that our know-how is in line with the BSI standards and the GHG protocol, following the recommendations set in the Core Carbon Principles by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market.

Above this it complies with the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification requirements, thus enables our Partners to generate high-integrity carbon credits with their solar or wind power plants.


Issuing carbon credits with green EV charging networks

Compliance certificate for mitigia's carbon credit generation methodology for green charge point operators

Our second methodology, that refers to carbon credit issuance by green electricity powered EV charge points, has been verified by the independent sustainability project auditor, Green Cross Hungary, just like our fleet electrification monetization know-how.

These certifications prove that our know-hows are designed in a way to be line with the BSI standards and the GHG protocol, following the recommendations set in the Core Carbon Principles by the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Market, and complying with the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification requirements, thus enables our Partners to generate high-integrity carbon credits.